[difference between raw sugar and white sugar]Every day, mothers still prepare food or use brown sugar (yellow) and white sugar, but not everyone knows the effects of these two types of sugar. Today Salba24h will show the difference between these two types of road
Compare the nutritional content of brown sugar and white sugar
Calorie content: Both brown sugar and white sugar have the same calorie content. Each tablespoon of sugar contains about 17 calories, which is less than 1% of the calorie content a person needs to consume daily (2,000 calories).
Fat: Both brown sugar and white sugar are fat-free. However, sugar can be combined with other ingredients that contain fat, making it an unhealthy dish.
Carbohydrates: If you eat less sugar, you won't absorb large amounts of carbohydrates. 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and white sugar contain only 4 g of carbohydrate, equivalent to 1% of the daily carbohydrate content.
Vitamins and minerals: Both sugars basically have no vitamins and minerals. Because brown sugar only contains a small number of minerals, you will have to absorb a large amount of sugar to see a clear effect.
Housewives how to use these two types of sugar for good health
In preparing dishes, housewives should try to use brown sugar (yellow). In terms of health, brown sugar is simply processed from unrefined fresh sugarcane juice, which is good for blood, blood circulation. When treating a cold or weak spleen, brown sugar is very effective. Especially brown sugar good for postpartum women, women who want to replenish blood regularly and the elderly. According to scientists, brown sugar also works to prevent obesity, soothe menstrual seizures, increase energy, improve digestion, prevent asthma, good for the skin. However, those who are hot in and children should be cautious when using brown sugar because too much is used to create hot moisture.
The use of brown sugar both controls the amount of sugar absorbed into the body and takes advantage of its nutrients. However, brown sugar should not be boiled for too long. Especially when used in metal pots, the reaction is easier. So it is best to make the dish you want to use brown sugar, so put it when the pot has been removed from the stove. Due to the nature of brown sugar, it is suitable for cold and mixed dishes. Salad with a little brown sugar will be more delicious and less belly cold. Brown sugar is not as soluble as white sugar, so when mixing salads, do not directly mix but dissolve first with other spices before mixing.
With white sugar, housewives have a habit when cooking using white sugar as a seasoning because white sugar is easy to dissolve. But white sugar is an acidic food, after eating will make the blood excess acidity is not good for health.
And white sugar is refined sugar through the process of bleaching, so its nutrition is very small, it mainly only works as a spice. White sugar contains quite large sugar content, if you eat a lot, it will affect unhealthy. White sugar can be used to treat acute illness. Some people with abdominal pain, discomfort, drinking white sugar water immediately when hot will have an analgesic effects. Some people who are slow to eat will feel dizzy, which is the reaction of hypoglycemia, drinking a glass of white sugar water immediately can solve the problem.
As such, it's hard to conclude that brown or white sugar is better. Understand the usage and notes as analyzed above, in each specific case, a smart housewife will know which sugar is best for the health of the whole family.