[salt and water]Feng shui thinks that if salt is combined with water it will make its energy stronger. Moreover, if there are metal coins placed in the bowl, it will create reactions that help clean and dissipate negative energy. Therefore, if using salt bowls containing coins in the home will neutralize the negative energy sources in the family, attract luck and fortune into the house.
The use of salt in feng shui
Eastern people have long had the custom: "Buy salt at the beginning of the year and buy lime at the end of the year" to demonstrate the power to ward off evil and absorb the positive energy of salt.
The best place in the house to put a bowl of salt
The most prosperous place to put a bowl of salt is in the corner of the fortune (southeast) to desire to be rich. But, if you wish your family is always warm, healthy, please put the bowl of salt in Gia Dao palace (east). Leave unchanged, don't touch, just change every 2 months.
Buy flowers for yourself
Unlucky comes because it contains a lot of negative energy. Therefore, buy fresh flowers to add positive positive energy to your space. Keep flowers fresh and change immediately when they fade. Often within a month, all bad luck will give up on you.
To avoid financial fraud or seduction, bring a red bag of small garlic cloves. It is best to use the small portion of garlic in the long core of garlic, which will eliminate the energy of lies.